Pan-Fried Goat’s Cheese, Hazelnuts, Honey Dressing and Thyme

Goat cheese starter

If you prefer, feel free to grill the goat’s cheese instead!

Serve as part of a menu with:
– Main course: Black cod
– Dessert: Rosemary panna cotta

Serves 4 people

200 g goat’s cheese, with skin on
olive oil for pan-frying
150 g whole skinned hazelnuts
50 ml olive oil
50 ml clear honey
1 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
8 sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves picked
salt and pepper

1. Start off by roasting the hazelnuts in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, taking them out after half the time and stirring them. They are done when they have an even golden colour.
2. For the dressing, mix honey, olive oil and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Add the hazelnuts to the dressing and mix.
3. Cut even slices of the goats cheese, about 1 cm in thickness. Season with salt and pepper. Heat a pan with olive oil and quickly fry the cheese for 2 minutes on each side to give colour.
4. Put the goat’s cheese on a plate, add hazelnuts with the dressing and sprinkle some thyme leaves on top.

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