This bread is a life saver. Can be made in a few minutes and then be used with absolutely everything! Savoury and sweet, just let your imagination go wild. Below I have a few suggestions.
Basic recipe:
125 g sour cream
250 ml gluten free flour mix
1 tbsp baking powder
A pinch of salt
1/2 tbsp psyllium husk (see link)
1. Combine all dry ingredients. Add the sour cream. Mix well. It will be a sticky dough. Use gloves or dust your hands with flour.
2. On a baking surface covered with flour, roll into a thick loaf.
3. Cut into 6 pieces.
4. Press each piece to create a thin round cake. I like to use a “cake scraper”, see photo.
5. On low to medium heat, melt some butter in a frying pan and gently fry each “cake” a few minutes on each side until lightly browned.
This bread is wonderful, warm and fresh with just some butter and jam.
Or serve with the Mushroom Anchovy Salad on top.
If you make the “cakes” smaller they are very useful as canapé bases.
Recipe variations:
1) Add some chopped rosemary to the dry ingredients and crumble a small piece of goats cheese into the sour cream. This creates a savory bread that goes well with soup or stew.
2) Add 1 tbsp of honey to the sour cream and serve as a dessert with whipped cream and strawberries.
3) Add some cinnamon and honey for a tasty, sweet snack
4) Please create your own variation and share in the “comment” section below.