Stuffed Aubergine with Roasted Balsamic Red Pepper Sauce

151007 Stuffed Augergine w Roasted balsamic Red Pepper Sauce-8992

Serves 4
Stuffed aubergine:
3 small aubergines
1 small courgettes (as “skinny” as possible)
5-6 large mushrooms
3 medium size tomatoes
(Concerning the size of the vegetables above, they should fit into the aubergine you’ll be serving in – see photo).
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Parsley, chopped

Red Pepper Sauce:
2 Red Peppers, in pieces
4 medium size tomatoes, in pieces
1 red onion, in pieces
1 garlic clove, crushed
2-3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
3-5 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper

1 cucumber (or an extra aubergine) to serve the sauce in.


  1. Oven at 200C
  2. Place all vegetables in oven proof shallow dish, drizzle with oil and vinegar. Season.
  3. Rost in oven for 45 min, until soft
  4. Let cool slightly, then, using handheld blender, mix in a saucepan
  5. Reheat and serve


  1. Oven at 150C
  2. Slice the 2 aubergines lengthwise. Cut crisscross in the flesh, drizzle with oil and sprinkle some salt on top. Bake in oven with skin side down for 40 min. Carve the flesh out of the aubergine taking care not to damage the skin.
  3. Chop the carved out flesh and sauté in olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Slice the courgettes and mushrooms. Saute in a pan.
  5. Slice the tomatoes.
  6. Assembly the stuffed aubergines by placing some aubergine flesh in the bottom of the empty aubergine skin, then layer the slices of courgette, mushroom and tomato on top. Bake in 150C oven for about 25 minutes.

Assembly on a plate:

  1. Place the stuffed aubergines on a plate, decorate with some chopped parsley.
  2. From a cucumber (or an aubergine), cut thick slices and remove seeds and some of the flesh, leaving a large hollow ring. Place on the plate.
  3. Spoon some of the sauce into the cucumber ring. Pour the remaining sauce into serving saucer.

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