Swiss Style Healthy Morning Muesli

This Bircher Muesli gives a really good start to the day. To be prepared the evening before and enjoyed with your favorite fruits and berries the next morning.

Serve as part of a breakfast menu with
– In a Hurry Breakfast Buns
Yoghurt Bread with Cream Cheese

250 ml rolled gluten free oats
100 ml apple juice
50 ml milk
A handful of almonds
Raisins to taste
1 red apple, grated, no need to peel first
100-250 ml plain yoghurt (the amount depends on how “runny” the yogurth is)

Raspberries, blueberries, bananas…

Honey to drizzle on top (optional)

  1. In a bowl with the oats, add enough apple juice and milk to moisten. Stir in raisins and almonds. Cover with cling film and refrigerate over night. The oats will soak up all moisture and swell.
  2. Before serving, add yoghurt to get a “porridge like” consistency. The oat mix will have become quite hard in texture and you must stir well to avoid any lumps.
  3. Add the apple.
  4. Sprinkle fruit and berries on top and perhaps end by adding a few drops of honey.

Any comments, suggestions, ideas? Please write here!